Publicity and openness are basic principles forming the basis for VEB.RF’s activity. Besides its annual reports, the Bank publishes on a voluntary basis annual reports on sustainable development consolidating information on the performance of all institutions comprising VEB.RF Group. Non-financial reports are prepared in accordance with a leading international standard – Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Guidelines. In 2015, the Bank transferred to a new revision of GRI-G4.
VEB.RF Group’s non-financial reports are designed to inform interested parties about the Bank’s and its Group’s contribution to improving socio-economic living conditions of people and environmental protection in VEB.RF’s capacity as a state financial development institution. Non-financial reports also specify the Bank’s approaches to implementing principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
Upon determining the subject-matter of non-financial reports VEB.RF is governed by leading standards and initiatives in sustainable development, best practices of Russian and foreign financing institutions as well as takes into account interested parties’ opinions. The Bank’s initiatives on interacting with interested parties as part of preparing non-financial reports implemented among other things in the format of public hearings are highly instrumental in integrating interested parties’ expectations into the Bank’s activity in sustainable development.
VEB.RF Group’s report on sustainable development for 2014 became the winner of the Annual Report Competition in the category “Best Report on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development” organized by Moscow Exchange and Stock Market Media Group and received a Gold Award in the MarCom Awards 2015 of the International Competition of the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals in the category “Best Report on Corporate Social Responsibility”.