Human capital development is VEB.RF’s basic value. The Bank’s personnel numbers more than two thousand employees qualified and experienced enough to address issues of national significance. VEB.RF does its best to create favorable working conditions for its employees. The human resources policy is aimed at recruiting and retaining prospective employees and at unlocking their professional and personal potential as well as ensuring their social security.

New employees

Upon recruiting new employees, VEB.RF adheres to the principle of equal opportunity for all applicants and objectivity in evaluating their abilities and professional skills. There is an adaptation system for new employees at VEB.RF. Under this system new employees are to be assisted by mentors who are the Bank’s most experienced specialists.

Training programs

In order to motivate employees and upgrade their professional skills there is a comprehensive, multimodal training system operating at VEB.RF. This system is designed to upgrade employees’ professional skills for them to be highly competitive on the labor market. The system offers a wide range of programs being implemented either on the basis of VEB.RF’s Center for Training Programs or by way of sending employees for training to external special organizations.

Benefits package

VEB.RF provides its employees with an extended benefits package including programs of voluntary medical insurance, non-government retirement benefits, health-resort treatment, preferential insurance and recreation arrangements for employees and members of their families. Special attention is given to employees who are on a childcare leave as well as career women with children under three years old. This category of employees are provided with monthly financial assistance.

Care for veterans

VEB.RF provides special support to pensioners — members of VEB.RF’s Veterans Council. They receive non-government monthly pensions and are entitled to a number of additional benefits including voluntary medical insurance. Traditionally the Bank organizes corporate events for veterans devoted to celebrating Victory Day and New Year.

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