VEB.RF’s Strategy 2024 and Prospects 2030 were approved by VEB.RF’s Supervisory Board. Development institutions of the VEB.RF Group make a substantial contribution to the achievement of national goals in the selected focus areas

VEB Group supported projects’ to grow by

The VEB.RF Group enhances its role in achieving the 2030 national development goals drawing on the global experience.

1) Attracts private investment in priority development projects and mitigates the risks of economic cycles or complex project stages.

2) Structures priority economy projects and comprehensive development programmes, makes public investment returnable and efficient.

3) Coordinates development institutions to build an integrated support system for the Government and business.

Strategic goals of VEB.RF

VEB.RF intends to improve its economic impact by boosting support for private investors and being more efficient in attracting private funding

VEB.RF Group’s core activities

Focus on priority areas of Russia’s technological development, boosting functional competencies

  • Export-oriented projects;
  • Increasing the competitiveness, localising technologies, and components;
  • Scaling industrial breakthrough technologies;
  • Reducing environmental footprint by introducing the best available technologies;
  • Development of green finance and technological breakthrough competency centres.

Selecting and structuring comprehensive projects and programmes on a repayable financing basis

~ 1.8 trillion roubles value of infrastructure projects in 2021-2024; > 1 trillion roubles value of urban development projects in 2021-2024 (>50 participating cities by 2025).

Supporting cities and regions in launching priority projects
  • Selecting and structuring trunk infrastructure projects on a repayable financing basis;
  • Comprehensive urban development programmes offering standardised products;
  • Flagship regional projects.

Development of competency centres
  • Urban development and quality of life;
  • Green economy for infrastructural projects and urban development;
  • Geostrategic regions.

Developing comprehensive support to redouble efforts to focus on new exports

Increased support through new high technology financial products, including partnerships with commercial banks, and a wider project funnel.

Creating a digital One-Stop Shop platform for exporters with customer focused services.

Boosting comprehensive support for “new” exports

  • Consistent support mechanisms (for example, Export Champions programme);
  • Support for export to new countries, new products, and new industries.

A greater outreach and digitalisation

A greater support outreach to SMEs

  • Mass umbrella mechanisms to form portfolios;
  • New products for micro and small businesses, start-ups, and exporters.

A new digital SME platform to simplify applying for support measures

  • Raising entrepreneurs’ awareness, including educational products;
  • Expanding access to procurement.

Developing a support ecosystem and integrating major technological projects

Coordinated support ecosystem for innovation projects from start-up to IPO

  • Sustaining demand for innovation in major projects;
  • Seamless customer experience when transitioning between the elements of the ecosystem;
  • Services marketplace for innovation projects.

Integrating comprehensive projects to fulfil priority technological development goals (including flagship projects).

Expanding financing for innovations

  • Launching direct investment funds with leading market investors (including foreign investors);
  • Guarantees for innovation companies seeking debt financing to scale their business.

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