Contacts for reporting corruption
Dear applicants,
If you become aware of any corrupt actions committed by VEB.RF's employees or materials confirming that VEB.RF's employee has a private interest which results or may result in a conflict of interest, you may report this at
(495) 604-65-02, (495) 604-61-37
or send these materials or other information to VEB.RF in a sealed enveloped marked as “To Anti-Corruption Department, private and confidential” to Vozdvizhenka Street, 10, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation.
The above materials should contain the following information:
- VEB.RF's employee's full name and title;
- description of corrupt circumstances (actions), signs of the existence of a private interest which results or may result in a conflict of interest;
- source of information;
- information about the applicant (full name, address, contact telephone, e-mail).
Anonymous applications and applications
- containing offensive language, unacceptable expressions,
- illegible texts, including transliterated or capitalised text or text not split to sentences etc;
- without return address;
- not relating to corrupt actions of VEB.RF's employee;
- of an advertising nature.
will not be considered.
You may also provide information by filling in the form below:
In accordance with Federal Law on Personal Data No. 152-FZ dated 27 July 2006, VEB.RF informs that electronic messages from individuals sent via the Internet are transmitted using unprotected communication channels. VEB.RF shall not be liable for the confidentiality of data transmitted via the Internet.
Information about applicants' personal data sent in an electronic format is stored and processed in accordance with the Russian legislation on personal data.